2019 Application Guide-中央财经大学-国际文化交流学院
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2019 Application Guide

Release time:2018-12-04 Source: hits:

Central University of Finance and Economics

2019 International Student Application Guide (Degree Programs)


As one of China's key universities under the direct leadership of the Ministry of Education, CUFE enjoys the patronage of both the central and municipal governments, including the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and Beijing municipal government. In 2017, CUFE was selected into the Double First Class Initiative,a national project with the goal of fostering world standards in China's universities. CUFE is also listed in Project 211. In addition, CUFE is among the first universities to enter Project 985 Innovation Platform, whose objective is to promote scientific research of high-priority areas in the fields' top institutions.

The university’s applied economics is ranked No.1 by the Ministry of Education in the latest round of national academic evaluation in 2017. It is the only university rated A+ in the field.

CUFE is in prime location of Beijing, the capital of china.



Foreign citizens in good physical andmental health


Program Information

Bachelor programs: Offered in Chinese, 4 years

Master's programs: Offered in Chinese or English, 2 or 3 years

Doctoral programs: Offered in Chinese or English, 4 years


For a list of programs offered in English, please click here.

For a list of programs offered in Chinese, please click here.



R1 application Nov.12th, 2018 – March 28th, 2019

R2 applicationApril 1st, 2019 – May 29th, 2019

Note: Application for CSC scholarship – University Program is open from Feb. 20th to March 28th, 2019


Application Procedure

1. Submit Online Application

http://sice.cufe.edu.cn/Click Online Application

2. Print application form generated at the last step of application, mail the form along with other hard copies to the Office of Admissions.

3. Pay application fee of 500 RMB

4. Short-listed applicants attend interview (online interview also available)

5. Admission Results Released

6. Pay a non-refundable 3000 RMB deposit fee upon one week of confirming enrollment. The deposit fee will be deducted from student bills.

7. Provide Affidavit of Financial Support


List of hard copies required

1. Application Form

2. A copy of highest degree diploma or a certificate stating your student status and expected graduation date  

3. Official transcripts      

4. A personal statement      

5. Language Certificate (HSK report for Chinese programs; IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, etc for English programs)

6. A copy of your passport

7. Two letters of recommendation

8. Research proposal (master’s and doctoral programs)      

9. A Copy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form


Additional required documents for applicants under 18 years old:

A letter of guardianship and a copy ofguardian’s passport or ID


All application documents will NOT be returned regardless of your admission status.    

All documents submitted must be true, accurate, and complete. CUFE reserves the right to withdraw offers of admission or expel enrolled students.


Application Fee

500 RMB (Wire transfers/ cash payments anddebit cards accepted at CUFE)


Wire Transfer Instructions


账号: 0200002919089021427

开户行: 工商银行北京新街口支行

单位全称: 中央财经大学

It is highly recommended that you wire transfer 500 RMB to the university account above, however, if this is not an option at where you are located, you may choose to wire transfer 75 USD to the following account:



BENEFICIARY ACCOUNT NO.10282000000618481




Please make sure your name is put inthe footnote.


Contact Us

Office of International Admissions

e-mail: lxs@cufe.edu.cn

Tel: +8610-62288286


Filing a Complaint

International student admissions is open to suggestions and criticism. To file a complaint, please contact xxjw@cufe.edu.cn