(function($) { /** * 全选反选 */ $.fn.check =function(obj){ $('.checkboxes').each(function(){ if(obj.checked){ $(this).prop('checked',true); }else $(this).prop('checked',false); $(this).click(function () { if ($(this).attr("checked")) { } else { $("#scanId").attr("checked", false); } }) }); } /** * 选择列查看图表 */ $.fn.viewStatictisc = function (obj) { var count = 0; $(".checkboxes_column").each(function () { if (this.checked) { count++; } }) if (count == 0) { alert("请至少选中一项"); return false; } return true; } /** * 修改 */ $.fn.update = function (message) { var count = 0; var mes; $('.checkboxes').each(function(){ if (this.checked){ count++; } }); if (count == 0){ mes=message==null?'请选中一项':message; alert(mes); return false; } if(count>1){ mes=message==null?'只能选一行':message; alert(mes); return false; } return true; } /** * 删除 */ $.fn.delet = function (obj) { var count = 0; var mes; $(".checkboxes").each(function () { if (this.checked) { count++; } }) if (count == 0) { alert("请至少选中一项"); return false; } mes = obj == null ? '确定要删除吗?' : obj; if(confirm(mes)){ return true; }else return false; return true; } /** * 异步删除上传文件,参数1要删除主键,参数2(id)为实际存库值,参数3为请求URL */ $.fn.removefile = function(scsj,hi,url){ if(confirm('确定要删除吗?')){ $.post(url+new Date().getTime(),{"key":scsj},function(d){ if(d == 'success'){ $("[id$='"+ scsj +"']").remove(); var v = $("[id$='"+ hi +"']"); var rep = new RegExp("("+scsj+"(,|))|((,|)"+scsj+")"); v.val(v.val().replace(rep,"")); }else{ alert('删除失败!'); } }); } }; /** * 自动分配房间和床位 至少选中一项 */ $.fn.auto = function (obj) { var count = 0; $(".checkboxes").each(function () { if (this.checked) { count++; } }) if (count == 0) { alert("请至少选中一项"); return false; } return true; } //必需是正整数 by wyl $.fn.matchInt=function(str){ var reg = /[1-9]+\d*$/; return reg.test(str); } //至少两位数字 $.fn.matchNum=function(str){ var reg = /^\d{2,11}$/; return reg.test(str); } //必需是整数 $.fn.isInt=function(str){ var reg = /^[1-9]\d?$/; return reg.test(str); } //必需是小数 $.fn.isFloat=function(str){ var reg =/^\d+\.\d+$/; return reg.test(str); } //激活指定标签 $.fn.active=function(obj){ var id=$(obj).val(); if(obj.checked){ $('.actives_'+id).attr("disabled",false); }else{ $('.actives_'+id).attr("checked",false); $('.actives_'+id).attr("disabled",true); } } /** * 判断日期是否大于当前日期 */ $.fn.checkCurrent = function(obj){ var currDate; if(obj.length>10){ currDate = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); }else{ currDate = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd"); } obj = new Date(obj.replace("-", "/").replace("-", "/")); currDate = new Date(currDate.replace("-", "/").replace("-", "/")); if(obj - currDate < 0){ alert('日期必须大于等于当前日期当前时间'); return true; }else{ return false; } } /** * 判断开始日期是否大于结束日期时间 */ $.fn.isBeginOverEnd = function(begin,end,message){ begin = new Date(begin.replace("-", "/").replace("-", "/")); end = new Date(end.replace("-", "/").replace("-", "/")); if(begin - end >=0){ message=message==null?'结束日期必须大于开始日期':message; alert(message); return true; }else{ return false; } } /** * 判断日期时间比较 * begin、end为日期类型 * */ $.fn.dateCompare = function(begin,end){ if(Date.parse(end)<=Date.parse(begin)){ alert('结束日期必须大于开始日期'); return true; }else{ return false; } } $.fn.checkTime = function(begin,end,model){ begin = new Date(begin.replace("-", "/").replace("-", "/")); end = new Date(end.replace("-", "/").replace("-", "/")); if(begin - end >=0){ if(model == "rw"){ alert('退伍时间必须大于入伍时间'); return true; } }else{ return false; } } /** * 时间对象的格式化 */ Date.prototype.format = function(format) { var o = { "M+" : this.getMonth() + 1, "d+" : this.getDate(), "h+" : this.getHours(), "m+" : this.getMinutes(), "s+" : this.getSeconds(), "q+" : Math.floor((this.getMonth() + 3) / 3), "S" : this.getMilliseconds() } if (/(y+)/.test(format)) { format = format.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length)); } for (var k in o) { if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(format)) { format = format.replace(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.length == 1 ? o[k] : ("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length)); } } return format; } /** * 验证输入为数字类型或为空 */ $.fn.checkNumOrDouble=function(obj,flag){ var res=$(obj).val(); var pattern; var message; if(res=='')return true; if(flag){//Int pattern=/^[1-9]*$/; message="输入项必须为正整数"; }else{ pattern=/^\d+(\.\d{1,2})?$/; message="输入项为浮点数且精确度最大为2位"; } if(!pattern.test(res)){ $(obj).val(''); $(obj).focus();//IE window.setTimeout(function(){ $('#'+obj.id).focus();}, 0);//Firefox alert(message); return false; } return true; } /** * 灵活验证输入为数字类型或为空 */ $.fn.checkNumOrDou=function(obj,flag,mes){ var res=$(obj).val(); var pattern; var message; if(res=='')return true; if(flag){//Int pattern=/^[0-9]*$/; message=mes+"必须为正整数"; }else{ pattern=/^\d+(\.\d{1,2})?$/; message=mes+"必须为浮点数且精确度最大为2位"; } if(!pattern.test(res)){ $(obj).val(''); $(obj).focus();//IE window.setTimeout(function(){ $('#'+obj.id).focus();}, 0);//Firefox alert(message); return false; } return true; } /** *显示加载信息 */ $.fn.loading = function(obj){ if($(obj).val() == '登录'){ $('._login').hide(); $('.loading').show(); $(".loading").text("正在登录…"); }else{ $('.loadingspinner').html("正在加载...").show(); } } $.fn.registor = function(obj){ if($(obj).val() == '注册'){ $('.loadlogin').hide(); $('#loadlogin').show(); $("#loadlogin").text("请稍候…"); }else{ $('.loadingspinner').html("请稍候...").show(); } } /** *获得录取学生普通where条件 */ $.fn.lqxsgeneralWhere = function(tableName){//st_bys_info $("#generalWhere").val(""); var mzId = $("#mzId").val(); var zyId = $("#zyId").val(); var sydId = $("#sydId").val(); var nf = $("#nf").val(); var xb = $("#xb").val(); //页面直接拼接语句,免得后台根据传参个数重新拼接 if((mzId != "" && mzId != null) || (zyId != "" && zyId != null) || (sydId != "" && sydId != null) || (nf != "" && nf != null) || (xb != "" && xb != null) ){ var sql = ""; if(tableName == "Student"){//若为毕业生表 sql = "select id from "+tableName+" s where 1=1"; }else{ sql = "select id from "+tableName+" , Student s where xjb_id = xh"; } if(mzId != "" && mzId != null){ sql += " and s.mzb.id = "+mzId; } if(zyId != "" && zyId != null){ sql += " and s.zyb.id = "+zyId; } if(sydId != "" && sydId != null){ sql += " and s.syd.id = "+sydId; } if(nf != "" && nf != null){ sql += " and s.nf like '%"+nf+"%'"; } if(xb != "" && xb != null){ sql += " and s.xb like '%"+xb+"%'"; } $("#generalWhere").val(sql); } return sql; } /** *获得普通where条件 */ $.fn.generalWhere = function(tableName){ $("#generalWhere").val(""); var sqnf = $("#sqnf").val(); var pdnf = $("#pdnf").val(); var dwId = $("#dwId").val(); var zyId = $("#zyId").val(); var bjId = $("#bjId").val(); var xh = $("#xh").val(); var xm = $("#xm").val(); //页面直接拼接语句,免得后台根据传参个数重新拼接 if((dwId != "" && dwId != null) || (zyId != "" && zyId != null) || (bjId != "" && bjId != null) || (xh != "" && xh != null) || (xm != "" && xm != null) || (sqnf != "" && sqnf != null) || (pdnf != "" && pdnf != null)){ var sql = ""; if(tableName.toLowerCase() == "xs_xjb"){//若为学籍表 sql = "select distinct(xh) from "+tableName+" where 1=1"; }else{ sql = "select distinct(xh) from "+tableName+" , xs_xjb where xjb_id = xh"; } if(dwId != "" && dwId != null){ sql += " and xs_xjb.dwb_id = "+dwId; } if(zyId != "" && zyId != null){ sql += " and xs_xjb.zyb_id = "+zyId; } if(bjId != "" && bjId != null){ sql += " and xs_xjb.bjb_id = "+bjId; } if(xh != "" && xh != null){ sql += " and xs_xjb.xh like '%"+xh+"%'"; } if(xm != "" && xm != null){ sql += " and xs_xjb.xm like '%"+xm+"%'"; } if(sqnf != "" && sqnf != null){ sql += " and "+tableName+".sqnf = '"+sqnf+"'"; } if(pdnf != "" && pdnf != null){ sql += " and "+tableName+".pdnf = '"+pdnf+"'"; } $("#generalWhere").val(sql); } return sql; } /** *奖、助、贷、贫困生、特困补助、学生基本信息等选择多列统计分析 */ $.fn.multipleStatistics = function(tableName){ $("#viewStatistics-pies,#viewStatistics-columns,#viewStatistics-lines").click(function(){ if($.fn.viewStatictisc()){ $("#chartType").val(this.id); var action = $("#advancedSearch").attr("formAction"); $("#action").val(action); $.fn.generalWhere(tableName); $("#dataManageForm").attr("action",action+"/multipleStatistics").submit(); } }); } /** *鼠标移至饼图上,显示其他2种图表 */ $.fn.hoverChartImage = function(){ var flag=false; $(".column").hide(); $(".line").hide(); $(".chartimage").each(function(){ var widthcol=$(this).width(); if(widthcol>80){ widthcol=widthcol+50+"px"; $(this).css("min-width",widthcol);//.css("width",widthcol); }else{ $(this).addClass("chartimagespecial"); } }); $(".chartimage").hover(function(){ flag=$(this).hasClass("chartimagespecial"); if(flag){ var widthcontrol=$(this).width()+51+"px"; $(this).css("min-width",widthcontrol).css("width",widthcontrol); } $(this).children(".column").show(); $(this).children(".line").show(); },function(){ flag=$(this).hasClass("chartimagespecial"); $(this).children(".column").hide(); $(this).children(".line").hide(); if(flag){ var widthoutcontrol=$(this).width()-51+"px"; $(this).css("min-width",widthoutcontrol).css("width",widthoutcontrol); } }); } })(jQuery);