Tel: 010-6228 9266
E-mail: hezhongda@cufe.edu.cn
Office: Academy Hall 807( 学术会堂807)
Curriculum Vitae
新加坡南洋理工大学金融学博士。何重达博士主要研究领域为:公司金融(Corporate Finance)、公司治理(Corporate governance)、公司董事会结构(Board of Directors)以及公司多元化(Corporate Diversification)。他教授的课程包括:商业金融学(Business Finance)和投资学(Investments)
Ph.D. in Finance, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore,08/2008-2013;
M.Sc., Urban and Regional Planning, Peking University (PKU), Beijing,09/2005-07/2007;
B.Sc., Urban and Rural Planning and Resource Management (minor ineconomics) with First Class Honors, Peking University, Beijing,09/2001-07/2005
Exchange student, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,01/2004-06/2004
Corporate finance, corporate governance, board of directors and initial public offering
‘Does Board of Directors’ Expertise Matter? Evidence from IPO Firms’
‘Board Structure and the Role of Outside Directors: Evidence from Private Firms’
‘The Time Effect of Diversification’
Gao, Huasheng, He Zhongda, and Jun-Koo Kang, ‘Board Structure and the Role of Outside Directors: Evidence from Private Firms’, 9-12 July 2012,
2012 China International Conference in Finance, Chongqing, China.
Ad Hoc referee for PacificBasin
Finance Journal
Business Finance, Nanyang Business School, NTU, August 2010-2013
(Excellent Graduate Student Teaching Award, NTU, 2013)
Investments, Chinese Academy of Finance and Development, CUFE, Sep.2013-present
Excellent Graduate Student Teaching Award, NTU, 2013
Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship, NTU, 2008-2012;
Best Graduate Award, PKU, 2005;
First Prize for the Third Peking University English Speech Contest, PKU,2002;